
I have been buried a long time deep in anti-social habits (not bad things, just no-things)...

words to the wise

use your imagination before it uses you...



worry is a misuse of the imagination


words we should all live by ... itf only we'd remember

Curious vs Puritans

curiosity may have killed the cat, but purity killed the dream...
the curious found mates, found shared lives, and sure, found trauma and tragedy and mistakes, but shared them and continue to share them...
the purists stand alone...

Found this on a sticky note in last year's day-timer ... probably already within the text of your responses to me somewhere in this blogosphere ... but I deemed it worthy of a re-post :)

Reality bites

... there's no way to find reality by escaping it ...

February 8, 2009

... so true ... but
... it could also be said that escaping it could help those confused realize what they were missing ... or does a walk into unreality doom one to living there forever? Sometimes you have to see the darkness to appreciate the light and vice versa.


Morning has stumbled into existence ...

January 26, 2009

Great visual !


what fun might be found in the moment of then...

February 7, 2009

Another great line about moments ... your February seems to have been conciously or unconciously or semi-conciously focused on moments ...

Under the influence

the wonder of living alone under the influence of humanity, aye?...

February 7, 2009

Loved this!!

this moment

may you feel your moments pass and fill them with something you love

February 9, 2009

Mondays ...


February 16, 2009

How appropriate ...


because every moment holds meaning and when alone, this is the only hope this moment ever has of being shared...

February 22, 2009

I have missed you ... and this brilliance ... I'm happy that I'm back


blogging, i mean... i started writing to talk to myself, to express myself, to figure out what i thought and felt about everything cuz if i could make sense of things in words, then things made more sense in my head... especially the abstract things like love and right and wrong and colors and flavors and the price of tea in china, or something like that... anyway, i am alive, i am here (who?)...

February 23, 2009

To prove we're alive ... isn't that one of the primary motivations for all us bloggers ... to prove we're more than just another cog in the machine ...


and i ponder, is this not what every real close family is about, ultimately, to share those few moments of life each day, whether over a meal, or just before bed, or even on the phone for those few moments… a few moments to catch up because the caring never ends and the wanting to know how was your day is genuine…

January 22, 2009

But you know as well as I do (or maybe I shouldn't assume that you know) ... that there are many a family out there that doesn't share, that don't catch up, that don't share genuine ... and that's a real shame ...

I was one of those once ...