pretentious obscurantism

it may be that i lack an audience because i enjoy irreverence (and word play leading to repetitive redundancy and parenthetic distraction) so much i may appear to present as pretentious obscurantism... perhaps i am just misunderstood... but i do wander into wonder a lot and can easily be distracted by almost anything, even squirrels... and there are those profoundly meaningless questions that come to mind like why are brits afraid to smile... of course it is meaninglessness, like pretentious obscurantism (and redundant repetition), is in the mind of the beholder... everything is always a matter of perspective and opinion, after all... except what we know for sure, that is (whatever that is)... perhaps a search for obscurity... but don't mind me, i am still looking for empirical evidence of my own existence... or something like that...